In hospitals all across the country, the governing board is fiscally responsible for the financial wellbeing of the organization. The governing board is also ultimately responsible for the credentialing and privileging of all practitioners in the organization and for monitoring the quality of...
The medical staff office doesn’t assess practitioners’ competence, but MSPs can ensure that the organized medical staff has the bylaws, policies, and procedures in place to conduct a consistent, fair, effective, and well-documented peer review process. In addition, the medical staff services...
The structure of the medical staff office (MSO) depends on the defined responsibilities and functions of the department and the number of full time employees. Developing a master schedule can help you keep track of your duties and perform more efficiently.
During the Credentialing Resource Center Virtual Symposium, held June 28–29, speakers fielded many questions about the current challenges MSPs face, such as new technology and learning to work with the enrollment department. The following is an excerpt from the live Q&A session that was held...
Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from the 2020 MSP Salary Survey Report. Want to see the results of the 2022 MSP Salary Survey? Participants of the 2022 survey receive an exclusive, executive...
Potential concerns about an applicant, often called red flags, should be identified and documented. With time and practice, you’ll learn to discern signs of trouble. Examples of red flags include the following: