Bad leaders are roadblocks to patient care, but good leaders help it thrive. Effective leadership will be a vital part of patient safety and running a successful healthcare organization as we approach 2025 and continue to navigate rising levels of violence, artificial intelligence, nursing...
Across states and even across organizations, the scope of practice and responsibilities of a physician assistant (PA) can differ. This also means credentialing and privileging requirements will vary. MSPs and medical staff leaders must be aware of the specific requirements of their state and...
In the past, medical staffs appointed new members for a provisional period, typically for six to 12 months, during which time they monitored the practitioner’s performance. This provisional status/period need no longer exist because FPPE and OPPE regulations have replaced...
Medical science is advancing with startling speed, and with that evolution comes rapid change in both clinical technology and technique. Patients can benefit vastly from such advances, but only if the practitioner utilizing them is competent. In general, patient safety is at greater risk when a...
Negligent credentialing claims have become a growing concern. These claims, often paired with medical malpractice lawsuits, create significant legal, financial, and reputational risks for institutions.
Although external peer review is seldom required in most organizations, it is nonetheless important to have a policy in place should the need arise. In many hospitals, the service line or department chair, medical staff quality committee (MSQC), or another designated group will make...