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Most medical staff bylaws contain a section labeled “definitions.” The value of a definitions section in the bylaws is to ensure clarity in the use of terminology. For example, if a hospital is part of a larger health system, does the term “board” in the bylaws refer to the hospital board or the...
Before beginning any complex process, it is imperative to have a blueprint for that process in place. Such a blueprint for credentialing allows the process to be both efficient and consistent. Making up a process as you go along takes a lot of time and effort, and runs the risk of appearing to...
The medical staff credentialing and privileging session is an essential part of the survey process. It aims to assess the implementation of credentialing and privileging procedures for the medical staff and other licensed practitioners who are privileged through the medical staff process.
The difference between emergency and disaster privileges is simple: Emergency privileges are granted to existing practitioners on the medical staff; disaster privileges are granted to practitioners outside the medical staff so that they can work in the institution on multiple patients when the...
What if the employment agreement doesn't have co-terminus language about termination/privileges? How does the medical staff services department (MSSD) terminate the physician's privileges? If there is no co-terminus language, the formerly employed physician will retain medical staff membership...