Frequently, emergency and disaster privileges are confused. Emergency privileges are those privileges that the medical staff has granted to existing members to do whatever is necessary (within the scope of each practitioner’s license) to save the life, limb, or organ of a patient. Typically, the...
Development of The Credentialing and Privileging Toolbox is underway! The 2017 title will feature first-class, field-sourced credentialing and privileging resources, along with expert commentary on what makes them so great. Think ...
About five years ago, my employer, Allegheny Health Network (AHN), decided to pursue delegated agreements with the big-name insurance companies in our area. AHN, which comprises seven hospitals and four ambulatory surgery centers throughout...
Credentialing Resource Center kicks off its National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week celebration by recognizing the accomplishments of an MSP who has made great contributions to her organization. Pearl Williams, MSA, CPMSM, of Osceola Regional Medical Center in Kissimmee,...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 25, Issue 11
September was a banner month for the National Association Medical Staff Services’ (NAMSS) professional development and advocacy work. Against the backdrop of its 40th educational conference in Boston, the organization rolled out two resources intended to broaden professional awareness, pave...
Despite hospitals’ best attempts, medical staff bylaws are rarely user-friendly documents. Hospitals nationwide spend significant sums of money, devote countless hours of physicians’ time, and employ numerous attorneys and consultants in an attempt to perfect, refine, and improve their bylaws....