After pushback from minority communities and people with disabilities, Massachusetts has revised its care-rationing guidelines in the case of a drastic surge in COVID-19 patients.
According to John Lynch, MD, the medical director of Harbor View Medical Center’s infection prevention and control program, the Seattle hospital has reported the first case of hospital-acquired novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The patient was receiving treatment at the hospital for another...
According to preliminary data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 9,300 healthcare workers in the United States have contracted COVID-19, and approximately 55% believe they were exposed at work.
In an April 3 letter to the National Governors Association (NGA), the American Medical Association (AMA) called on all governors to adopt stay-at-home orders to limit the spread of COVID-19. The AMA also urged governors to close non-essential business, limit non-essential activities, and...
As the stress and burden on providers increases constantly in hard-hit areas, many organizations are struggling to find ways to support their practitioners as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mount Sinai Health System in New York is enhancing its existing programs and adding new resources...
The medical staff services department (MSSD) and the medical staff work together to achieve the single most important goal of any healthcare organization: ensuring patient safety. However, in order to do this well, MSPs in the MSSD as well as physicians on the medical staff need to develop and...