One of the most common myths regarding medical staff governance is that only active staff can vote. The reality is there is no restriction as to who can vote: not from the CMS Conditions of Participation (CoP), not from The Joint Commission, not from any other national regulatory or...
The Joint Commission was scheduled, on paper, to arrive in first quarter 2013-which was why, in October 2012, John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Chicago's Cook County was a little surprised to see Joint Commission surveyors at their door one Tuesday morning. Although the arrival...
The CMS Conditions of Participation (CoP) and The Joint Commission are in complete agreement on this one: Medical staff departments are not required. The CoPs require a "well organized" medical staff. The Joint Commission requires an "organized self-governed medical staff." The Joint Commission...
Although the Stark Law and federal anti-kickback statute have been around longer than many of us care to remember, many organizations are still tripping over the details of the complex requirements.
Author's note: Over time, many medical staff governance decisions have become commonplace, even the ones that are unnecessary. This series examines some of the more prevalent myths and misconceptions, delineates what is required and what is not, and offers trends and best...
To keep up with today's complex privileging requirements, MSPs need to understand the growing roles of APPs and how they integrate with the medical staff. Pursuant to 21 CFR § 1300.01(b28), the term "mid-level practitioner" (otherwise known as APP), specifically means an...