Ask the expert: When credentialing physicians, how many malpractice suits are too many?


Sally Pelletier: I don’t know that there’s a number that would take care of each and every concern that would come into play here—I would say it depends on the specialty and what those law suits are in regard to. I think this involves an evaluation of the circumstances to identify patterns and trends. It typically takes a clinician to conduct that evaluation and make a determination. You can also get information from your own malpractice carrier. Perhaps they can provide you with some thresholds. And seek guidance from your hospital attorney if you think a physician has too many malpractice suits against him or her. 

Mary Hoppa: I think you have to take everything into context. Were they just small judgments? Also, I think you have to look at the timing of it. Were there five malpractice suits but they all occurred more than 10 years ago? 

This week’s question and answer are excerpts from Tools to Tackle Credentialing and Privileging Responsibilities presented by Sally J. Pelletier, CPMSM, CPCS and Mary J. Hoppa, MD, MBA, CMSL, both senior consultants with The Greeley Company. This Web cast is part of the Medical Staff Leader Virtual Training Workshop series.