Hospitals are increasingly adopting technologies that improve efficiency and make life easier for case managers—at least in theory. Machine-learning programs can improve workflow, flag high-risk patients, or automatically send needed documentation to post-acute facilities. In addition, hospitals...
Process refers to how the physician delivers care. For example, a good process indicator for a hospital that provides acute myocardial infarction (AMI) services might be the time it takes to begin a catheterization procedure, or the so-called “door-to-wire” time. Why? Because clinical studies...
How do you assess the competence of a practitioner who is clinically active at another facility with very little or no activity in your organization? MSPs see these types of cases all the time when they credential a new practitioner’s request for clinical privileges when that practitioner has...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 12
Medicare has merged the CMS-855R into the CMS-855I paper enrollment application. Find out what this means for your organization and your practitioners.