Sometimes it is not truly the group that makes the decision, but rather a few dominant individuals who monopolize the discussion and leave no room for less aggressive meting attendees to speak. Those who are hesitant to voice their opinion might need encouragement, and a participatory-style...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 8, Issue 10
When the medical staff asks a department chair to assign physician proctors for a newly appointed medical staff member, he or she should delegate the responsibilities as follows:
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 8, Issue 10
Because much of proctoring is similar to peer review, many medical staffs consider asking the peer review committee to oversee the proctoring process. Although this model is possible, it is not advisable.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 8, Issue 9
When working with your medical staff to better managing your facility's emergency department (ED) on-call coverage challenge, obtain data that illustrates the extent of the problem. One of the principles of fairly sharing the pain of ED call is that physicians whose burden of call is...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 8, Issue 10
Because much of proctoring is similar to peer review, many medical staffs consider asking the peer review committee to oversee the proctoring process. Although this model is possible, it is not advisable.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 10
If the hospital is considering an external peer review, it should share that information with the physician and ask for his or her cooperation. Read more...