This weekly column from The Greeley Company will address current issues in peer review, bylaws and governance, credentialing and privileging,and accreditation....
The day of the medical staff strategic planning retreat for Better Times Hospital has arrived. The retreat is a direct result of the change management process initiated by Joe, the medical staff president, based on the eight-step process outlined by John Kotter in his book...
The Colorado Court of Appeals affirmed in part and reversed in part a district court judgment that affirmed the decision of Penrose-St. Francis Healthcare System to terminate a physician's privileges, also denying the physician's request to subpoena records from the peer review...
Good things come from hospitalist programs. Well-run hospitalist programs produce shorter lengths of stay, better core measure compliance, and more rapid adoption of order sets and protocols. Primary care physicians (PCP) experience an increase in productivity and income after turning over...
In the beginning of 2012, New Mexico expanded its state laws regarding reporting settlements, judgments, adverse actions, and credentialing actions to the state medical board to include employed physicians.
Although a whistleblower and a disruptive physician may seem like they are on opposite ends of the spectrum, there is a very fine line that separates the two categories inside a healthcare facility.