Economic credentialing has never been very popular with medical staffs. Some say it’s because it favors the aggressive business practices of hospitals and demotes the importance of competency and competition for practitioners. But is economic credentialing a battle that’s not worth fighting...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 12
It’s no secret that the current fee-for-service physician payment model is flawed. It rewards physicians for the volume of the care they provide, rather than the quality, and it does little to control costs.
The phrase “easier said than done” could not be more aptly applied than to describe the implementation of electronic medical records (EMR). As hospitals and medical staffs scramble to meet the 2014 deadline set by former President George W. Bush in 2004, they are finding...
When it comes to impaired physicians, medical staffs often focus on identifying the problem (e.g., alcohol, drug abuse, disease, or aging) and helping the physician find an appropriate treatment plan. However, medical staffs tend to fall short when it is time for the physician to return to work...