Economic concerns have always been a driving issue in the medical field, but with healthcare regulation changes, U.S. economic instability, and budget cuts across the board, these issues have never been more prevalent.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 4
The economic forces of healthcare have created a subset of low- and no-volume practitioners who may direct inpatient volume to the hospital but rarely step foot in the hospital. Unfortunately, that means the medical staff has little or no performance data to...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 1
When medical staffs develop privilege criteria for advanced practice RNs (APRN), there are other factors to consider besides education and current competency. These factors range from state laws to insurance plan coverage. At times, these nonclinical factors form practice...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 12
Economic credentialing has never been very popular with medical staffs. Some say it’s because it favors the aggressive business practices of hospitals and demotes the importance of competency and competition for practitioners. But is economic credentialing a battle that’s not worth fighting...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 9
One way creative MSPs communicate with medical staffs is through a medical staff services department (MSSD) newsletter. These newsletters can take many forms, from a weekly agenda-focused publication to a lengthier publication filled with graphics. Some arrive as paper newsletters tucked into...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 8
Every year, a few more negligent credentialing cases trickle through the news. The information is often superficial; it seems to focus on the U.S. state where the case was heard and whether the ruling upheld or denied a negligent credentialing claim. Often, the details of the case are lost on...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 6
As long as doctors treat patients effectively and efficiently, they are doing their jobs well, right? Maybe that was the case in years past, but the demands placed on today’s doctors are more complex than that. Although treating patients still remains at the heart of a doctor’s job description,...