"Patients admitted to hospitals during TJC survey weeks have significantly lower mortality than during nonsurvey weeks, particularly in major teaching hospitals. These results suggest that changes in practice occurring during periods of surveyor observation may meaningfully affect patient...
Let us know whether your department performs tasks related to Medicare and Medicaid provider-supplier enrollment. You must be signed in with your free or paid CRC account to participate.
Have a hot medical staff or credentialing topic you’d like your peers to weigh in on? Send proposed...
The United States could face a shortage of 40,800–104,900 physicians by 2030, according to a study published last Tuesday by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Getting room service every night when you’re in Austin for the 2017 CRC Symposium is no fun. Take time to venture out and enjoy some local restaurants.
When an employed physician leaves a hospital, a credentialing best practice is that the “next” hospital asks both the medical staff services department (MSSD) and the HR department for a reference. Why? Unfortunately, there are occasions when a hospital will terminate the employment of a...
If you register for the 2017 CRC Symposium by March 19, you’ll automatically receive a free copy of our best-selling book, Verify and Comply: Credentialing and Medical Staff Standards Crosswalk, Sixth Edition....
Since only 12% of U.S. adults are considered to be highly proficient in health literacy—the ability to find, understand, and use health information—physicians should not assume patients understand what they’re being told. Overuse of medical terminology can further inhibit patients’ ability to...
"People don't realize the importance of a mentor. Somebody who really believes in you or somebody who is committed to you ... these are critical people who really model your life."