Crosswalk of accreditation standards for NPDB reference activities

Today’s free resource is a crosswalk of accreditation standards surrounding reference of the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) during credentialing activities.

The desire to provide the highest-quality healthcare possible coupled with the need to reduce medical risks to patients and legal risks to the organization has prompted many healthcare organizations to develop and maintain a credentialing process that far exceeds The Joint Commission, NCQA, CMS, DNV, or HFAP standards. For this reason, this table not only includes minimum standards for each of these accrediting bodies, but also designates credentialing “best practices”—that is, practices that meet or exceed the accreditors’ standards. These best practices are marked with a star icon and are in boldface text.

Download the resource here.

Source: Verify and Comply: Credentialing and Medical Staff Standards Crosswalk, Sixth Edition

Found in Categories: 
Credentialing, Privileging