Ask a physician leader what his or her job is, and you might get a blank stare. Eventually a vague description may follow such as, "Leading the medical staff," or "Running the department." Is it any wonder that some physicians perform their leadership roles poorly? We haven't taken the time to...
Physician leaders most often cite disruptive physicians as their top challenge. In fact, the number of complaints from physician leaders and hospital administrators about disruptive physicians could convince you that the healthcare industry is undergoing an epidemic of disruptive physician...
Key medical staff members and committees are responsible for reviewing the request for privileges and making recommendations. The process varies depending on the size and structure of the medical staff.
Medical staffs often struggle to fill leadership positions because they require training and experience. Therefore, when they find someone willing to do it year after year, they may want to reappoint him or her to the position. But is this okay?
At minimum, a referring provider expects the hospitalist to provide notification on admission of his or her patient to the hospital, updates that include any acute changes in patient status, and notification of patient discharge. Daily correspondence by voicemail, fax, e-mail, or other means (e....
The support of medical staff leaders and administrative leaders can make life vastly easier for MSPs. The first step toward achieving this support is to obtain leadership buy-in by providing them with the necessary tools and education to help them understand the credentialing process and the...
Constant advances in medical research, technology, education, and consumer demand for healthcare organizations to offer new and innovative procedures have increased dramatically in the past several years...