Christopher Daniel Duntsch, a former American neurosurgeon nicknamed “Dr. Death,” is serving a life sentence after being accused of injuring as many as 35 patients in less than two years before his license was revoked by the Texas Medical Board. Several organizations failed to perform their due...
Physicians say the burden of paperwork/quality metrics is the top issue they face, according to Medical Economics’ 94th Physician Report. This was the top issue physicians reported in 2020 as well.
Communication, cooperation, and collaboration are essential. Why are these three seemingly straightforward concepts—especially communication—so very difficult in many health systems?
When the medical staff asks a department chair to assign physician proctors for a newly appointed medical staff member, he or she should delegate the responsibilities as follows:
Several non-physician reviewers from the hospital's quality department undertake audits both of the
In May, the Biden-Harris administration announced the end of COVID-19 vaccination requirements for CMS-certified facilities, which had been implemented in 2021 to protect vital sectors of the economy and vulnerable populations.
CMS has officially retired the requirements for healthcare staff vaccination against COVID-19 and has told surveyors to no longer review its compliance during survey.