FL jury finds concierge service guilty of malpractice

A jury in Palm Beach County, Florida has returned an $8.5 million malpractice verdict against concierge medicine provider MDVIP. The jury found MDVIP liable for the negligence of one of its physicians, who was sued for misdiagnosing the cause of a patient’s leg pain, leading to its amputation. The jury also found MDVIP had falsely advertised its exceptional physicians and patient care.

Industry experts say the ruling is significant because it shows concierge care organizations—which provide primary care to patients who pay an annual retainer fee and other charges—can be held liable for the care provided by their contracted practitioners.

The physician in the case settled with the plaintiff’s family before the trial. According to the lawsuit against MDVIP, a Boca Raton patient had sought medical attention for leg pain. Despite progressive worsening of her condition, she was repeatedly misdiagnosed by MDVIP-affiliated staff, the plaintiff’s lawyers contended. She was referred to orthopedists who did not get her medical records or learn of her worsening symptoms. That information, they argued, might have led to the discovery of a serious circulation problem that eventually required above-the-knee amputation of her leg.

Source: Kaiser Health News