The national dialogue surrounding accountable care organizations seems to include a barrage of discussion pieces around the pros, cons, and requirements of becoming an ACO. While an important consideration for many, it is critical to take into account a much broader spectrum of strategic options...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 12, Issue 34
The first three weeks of each month, this weekly column from The Greeley Company will address current issues in peer review, bylaws and governance, and...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 12, Issue 34
The first three weeks of each month, this weekly column from The Greeley Company will address current issues in peer review, bylaws and governance, and...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 12, Issue 34
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is bypassing rules for how value-based purchasing should roll out and thus is ignoring key requirements set forth in the health reform law, the American Hospital Association said in a strongly-worded 14-page letter released late Tuesday.
Take this peer review quiz on your own or present it at the next peer review committee meeting to assess training needs and spur discussion. All questions are based on information provided in Medical Staff Briefing over the past year.
For more than two decades, there has been a theme emerging as physician leaders face the challenge presented by divergent practices in reimbursement: Misaligned incentives seems to be the diagnosis.