Because I travel a lot, I receive numerous surveys and comment cards from airlines, car rental companies, and hotels. I almost never take the time to complete them unless something unusual has happened. It would just take too much time to do all of them. Most of us do not take...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 1
Keeping track of the steps of the peer review process can be just as daunting for MSPs as the actual process is for physicians under review. There are many steps to remember, and it is of the utmost importance that each step is followed to prevent legal action by physicians...
Medical Staff Standards Crosswalk: A Quick Reference Guide to The Joint Commission, CMS, HFAP, and DNV compares medical staff-relevant standards across four accreditation and regulatory bodies: DNV, HFAP, TJC, and CMS. It includes sample tools, forms, and policies to...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 1
A-C-O. It's only three letters, but to many in the healthcare industry they represent one of the most confusing developments in healthcare-accountable care organizations.
Physicians and healthcare organizations that were on the fence about participating in an accountable care organization (ACO) may want to take a second look. In October 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final rule on ACOs, which has fewer...