At the beginning of 2012, New Mexico expanded its state laws regarding reporting settlements, judgments, adverse actions, and credentialing actions to the state medical board to include employed physicians.
Hospital mergers and acquisitions are occurring with greater frequency than ever, and the trend does not show signs of slowing. With many hospitals forming new partnerships or joining larger healthcare networks, medical staffs are facing the issue of granting privileges to...
The U.S. District Court in the Western District of New York denied a hospital's motion for summary judgment in a lawsuit brought by a female physician, who claimed the hospital and its personnel subjected her to sexual harassment and discrimination in violation of Title VII of...
Caps on medical liability damages can be a divisive topic. Inevitably, the question is raised regarding whether these caps violate constitutional rights.
At Better Times Hospital's medical staff redesign retreat, the guiding coalition emerged with a model called "3-6-9." The model calls for three key medical staff committees: the medical executive committee (MEC), credentials committee, and a single multispecialty peer review...