Medical staffs should include a provision in the bylaws stating that if there is a contractual arrangement between the hospital and any member of the medical staff, the terms of the contract take precedence over the bylaws, says Michael Callahan, an attorney at Katten Muchen Rosenman, LLP, in...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 5
Create strategic solutions to privileging low- and no-volume practitioners with advice from two leading medical staff and credentialing experts. In this online program, Yisrael M. Safeek, MD, MBA, CPE, FACPE, an experienced physician leader and former Joint Commission surveyor, and Sally...
Keeping track of the steps of the peer review process can be just as daunting for MSPs as the actual process is for physicians under review. There are many steps to remember, and it is of the utmost importance that each step is followed to prevent legal action by physicians...
Starting with the next edition of The Joint Commission's Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals to be published this spring, The Joint Commission will change the term "disruptive behavior" to "behaviors that undermine a culture of safety." The accrediting agency...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 2
The Joint Commission will no longer use the term "disruptive behavior" in standard LD.03.01.01, EPs 4 and 5. The term was removed from the EPs by The Joint Commission's accreditation committee and board of commissioners after physicians raised concerns about the ambiguity of the...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 2
"Make lemonade out of lemons." How many times do we hear this advice in the medical staff office? Don't answer that too loudly. As overused as the phrase may be, most MSPs would admit it is good advice. One particular function I performed recently reminded me of why...