Hello from the new editor

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new editor of Credentialing Resource Center Insider. Taking the helm from Katrina Gravel’s very capable hands will be a challenge, but I’m looking forward to covering this vital, often overlooked area of health care. It’s been a busy week to start. Read on to find out why the National Association of Medical Staff Services is seeking clarity in CMS’ proposed Regulatory Provisions To Promote Program Efficiency, Transparency, and Burden Reduction in Medicare/Medicaid programs. You’ll also find out how some hospitals are preparing for an influx of geriatric neurology patients, which could lead to changes in privileging criteria. 

I welcome your questions or comments. Please send them to mstevens@hcpro.com. As always, thank you for reading!

Best regards,
Mary Stevens
Editor, Credentialing Resource Center Insider

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