With 26,735 nurse practitioners (NP), Florida ranks as the state with the highest number of actively licensed NPs. California and Texas round out the top three, with 23,752 and 20,307, respectively. Those threee states are also the most populated ones in the U.S.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 30, Issue 5
Practically every role in a healthcare organization can stand to have a healthy relationship with the IT department. This includes MSPs. In the course of a routine day, MSPs often need to work with IT, or someone familiar with the facility’s IT infrastructure.
While having a sexual harassment policy is necessary if you want to stop this behavior, CEOs often believe (mistakenly) that a good policy and HR department will prevent and mitigate any allegations, says Kate Fenner, PhD, RN, managing director of Compass Clinical Consulting.
Any type of peer review can be daunting for MSPs and physicians alike, and focused professional practice evaluation (FPPE) is no exception. In 2008, The Joint Commission (TJC)...
As COVID-19 and the rest of this year’s chaos continues to take its toll on your hospital, set up ways for your staff to let off steam, meditate for a few minutes, or just find some peace and quiet. And remember to help them grieve. Think about setting up a place online or in your facility to...
Use of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC) grew by 47% during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the IMLC Commission, more than 8,000 licenses were issued through the compact from March 2020 to March 2021. During the previous 12-month period, nearly 4,000 licenses were issued.