Aristotle spoke of practical wisdom in his classic book Nicomachean Ethics, as noted in the contemporary book by Barry Schwartz, PracticalWisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing (Riverbend Books, New York, 2010). "Ethics, said Aristotle, was not mainly...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 14, Issue 33
Medical staffs might wonder what to do when the number zero shows up on a physician’s ongoing professional practice evaluation (OPPE) report. Is it a red flag? Is the information usable? Is that particular indicator meaningful?
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 14, Issue 34
The first three weeks of each month, this weekly column from The Greeley Company will address current issues in peer review, bylaws and governance, and credentialing...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 12, Issue 32
There are four main sources of the data: administrative data, clinically documented and coded clinical data, incident report data, and perception survey data.