The story of Michael Swango, the physician currently serving a life prison sentence for poisoning his patients and colleagues, motivated numerous medical executive committees to conduct background investigations on all medical staff applicants. Such practices allow medical staffs to identify...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest is changing its delivery days! Instead of landing in your inbox Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, CRC Digest will now arrive on Fridays only. Not to worry: You will still receive the same timely, engaging content that CRC...
Like many medical staff leaders, Susan Diaz, CPCS, CPMSM, has seen her share of whirlwind changes since early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Diaz, who serves as medical staff director at NewYork Presbyterian (NYP) in New York City, says the move to remote work for her...
To combat violence against healthcare workers, lawmakers in several states have introduced or passed legislation aimed to punish those who knowingly injure, assault, or threaten hospital staff while they are performing their official duties.
The concept behind physician councils is that physicians should have multiple avenues for communicating with the hospital’s decision makers and vice versa. Physician councils are meetings established to support constructive dialogue between physicians and the hospital about what matters most to...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 31, Issue 2