For physicians, the risk of being sued by a patient is low in the short term but increases the longer they practice, according to data from the AMA’s Physician Practice Benchmark Surveys.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 6
The task of managing a team while ensuring patients receive optimal care remains a crucial challenge for MSPs. Sara Collins, MHA, CPCS, CPMSM, AVP of professional medical affairs at Lifepoint Health and an accomplished healthcare executive, caught up with CRCJ to share vital insights in this...
This is the latest in a continuing series of articles designed for medical staff leaders and their associates. This month, Greeley and Williams discuss using new technology to define medical staff functions.
For the most part, the physician health committee is composed of senior medical staff members who are respected by their colleagues for their fairness and wisdom and who have a passion for patient safety and physician advocacy.
Physicians who are doctors of medicine (MD) and doctors of osteopathic medicine (DO) generate similar results on key indicators of quality and cost of care, a new research article says.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 5
A CVO’s primary responsibility is to process provider applications for facility privileges (both initial appointments and reappointments) and occasionally for delegated health plans. This article covers several important factors that may come into play. No two applications are alike...