The configuration of the medical staff—ranging from fully employed to a mixed model of employed and independent practitioners—holds substantial implications for the operational dynamics within a healthcare system. This intricacy extends to the realms of medical staff services, which through...
As a physician leader, earning the respect and trust of your colleagues and coworkers can be a challenging process. It is important to continually assess your performance, communication, and leadership to effectively serve your staff by avoiding common leadership pitfalls. All too often, medical...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 10
To assist organizations in improving their credentialing and privileging processes, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) has released an updated version of its Credentialing and Privileging Toolkit.
If a patient attempts to hang himself on a door, it doesn’t mean all the doors of that type in the hospital have to be replaced, says CMS. Instead, look for the failures that allowed that patient to act when and how he did.
Medical staff bylaws should address how to manage conflicts of interest once disclosed or otherwise determined—a critical, but often overlooked, step in ensuring a fair, consistent application of the defined protocol.
During the period dubbed “The Great Resignation,” millions of U.S. workers quit their jobs, including more than 145,000 healthcare professionals, according to a report from Definitive Healthcare.