This week, we look at the last suggested item to keep on the medical executive committee’s (MEC) regular agenda: assessment of the performance of contracted groups and outside services.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 46
At least two million Californians are expected to gain access to healthcare when the Affordable Care Act goes into effect in 2014, which would strain the state’s primary care physician workforce, according to a recent Marin Independent Journal article.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 46
The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc., invites you to an engaging and informative seminar experience at the Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa in Palm Springs, Calif., Jan. 24-26, 2013.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 46
Very shortly, Medical Staff Leader Connection will be replaced with Medical Staff Leader Insider. In addition to the name change, we’ve improved your reading experience with expanded content and enhanced design. We hope you enjoy the new look!
Your new issues are scheduled to arrive...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 45
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) plans to pilot a patient harm reporting system in 2013. The Office of Inspector General estimates that one in four Medicare patients suffers harm while under a practitioner’s care, reports HealthLeaders Media in a recent article. The...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 45
The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc., invites you to an engaging and informative seminar experience at the Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa in Palm Springs, Calif., Jan. 24-26, 2013.