A place for physician-driven innovation
Physicians Tim Gueramy and Tracey Haas are on a mission to help entrepreneurial physicians improve the field. Last March, the husband-wife team launched The Walters Physician Incubator, an Austin, Texas, nonprofit that's open only to physicians with a startup idea. In less than a year, the incubator has grown from five to 56 physicians, ranging from newly minted physicians to seasoned physicians in their late 60s. Their ideas range from innovative medical devices to interactive websites. N=You and MyQuickDoc are the first two companies that have graduated from the incubator, which offers advice from lawyers, marketing execs, venture capitalists, and business school professors to coach physicians on crafting business plans, pitching ideas, drafting patents, and fund raising. N=You is a website for physicians to share information about how they're managing their own chronic conditions, while MyQuickDoc lets patients schedule physicians' appointments online.
Source: CNN Money