Is this REALLY a new technology that requires new privileges?

New technology requires a practitioner to pursue new privileges, whereas an extension of current technology may require only an extension of privileges. How do you decide which is which?  When determining whether it is necessary to grant a practitioner new privileges for a technology, the medical staff leader must first answer the following questions:

  1. Is the requested privilege a new privilege or simply an extension of an old technology or privilege?
  2. Does the new privilege involve the same kind of equipment used elsewhere in the facility?
  3. Does the new privilege have the same technical requirements as another privilege?
  4. Is the occurrence and severity of risk of adverse events similar to another privilege?

If you answered yes to all of the preceding questions, medical staff leadership may be dealing with an extension of a current privilege rather than the proposal of a new privilege.

If you answered no to any of the questions, medical staff leaders are faced with evaluating a new privilege.

Source:: The Medical Staff Leader’s Survival Guide