Talking about money is one of the last taboos: People don't like to talk about it, which makes bargaining for a higher salary difficult, even for experienced negotiators. Especially in the current sluggish economy, job seekers and employees may be hesitant to ask for more money...
OB hospitalist programs (aka laborist programs) are taking the country by storm. At last count, Rob Olson, MD, FACOG, a laborist at St. Joseph Hospital in Bellingham, WA, and editor and administrator of,...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 3
Orienting hospitalists involves more than just providing new hires with a badge, showing them where the ED is, and sending them on their merry way. As employees of the hospital,...
We’ve all heard the saying “Great leaders are made, not born.” But how does one make a leader? It’s a complicated recipe, but it involves one part self-education, one part opportunity, and one part mentorship.