There are many factors that contribute to successful delegated credentialing for both the health and delegated entity to consider. Below are tips and recommendations for the health plan.
If you haven’t registered for the 2024 National Provider Enrollment Forum, now is your chance to do so! Until August 15, you can take advantage of our throwback to the early bird registration price. Customers will automatically receive a $100 discount off of their registration when visiting our...
The CRC team hears it often—dollars for education continue to dwindle. We know that often those in provider enrollment have to choose only one conference a year to attend, or have to submit a budget and proposal to attend educational opportunities in the upcoming year. Let us make your job a...
The healthcare industry continues to evolve, and many healthcare systems and hospitals are seeking opportunities to become more fully integrated and to achieve greater efficiencies among their various facilities, departments, and functions.
Looking to earn continuing education credits? The National Provider Enrollment Forum offers attendees the chance to earn 12 AAPC continuing education hours.
The National Provider Enrollment Forum returns September...
The healthcare industry continues to evolve, and many healthcare systems and hospitals are seeking opportunities to become more fully integrated and achieve greater efficiencies among their various facilities, departments, and functions. For example, integration between medical staff services...