Because I travel a lot, I receive numerous surveys and comment cards from airlines, car rental companies, and hotels. I almost never take the time to complete them unless something unusual has happened. It would just take too much time to do all of them. Most of us do not take...
Even four years after The Joint Commission introduced the concept of ongoing professional practice evaluation (OPPE), organizations still struggle with the details. HCPro's new book, The Complete Guide to OPPE, walks readers through the various questions that...
Take this peer review quiz on your own or present it at the next peer review committee meeting to assess training needs and spur discussion. All questions are based on information provided in Medical Staff Briefing over the past year.
You've identified sources of data, analyzed trends, formatted the results into easy-to-read ongoing professional practice evaluation (OPPE) scorecards, and disseminated those scorecards to practitioners. Now what?
Although patient safety organizations (PSO) have been around for a couple of years, for many medical staffs, questions still linger. Hospitals aren't required to participate in a PSO, but many are considering doing so to reap the legal protections that PSOs offer.
At the 14th annual Credentialing Resource Center Symposium May 12-13 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, I polled the audience to learn how many send out letters to physicians to acknowledge excellent care identified from case reviews. Although The Greeley Company has been...