Employed practitioners must comply with HR policies, such as those surrounding orientation, patient safety, and risk management. Such requirements, which promote understanding of the organization’s culture and compliance with regulations and standards regarding patient care and safety, should...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 9
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way healthcare professionals operate, pushing many to adapt to remote work environments. In some ways, it seems the world is still slowly transitioning back to a semblance of normalcy.
Given the high stakes and complexity of provider enrollment, aligning the function with traditional medical staff services work requires a clear strategy, strong approaches, and adept staff. Otherwise, the process may unravel, jeopardizing revenue, care access, and practitioner satisfaction.
As a medical staff leader, it is important to understand from the start that the days of a medical staff secretary in a medical staff office are history. It is true that in years past, the work was primarily clerical and secretarial. However, as healthcare has evolved and grown in complexity, so...
Privileges are permissions that have been granted to a physician or other licensed independent practitioner to provide specific patient care services, which may include the ability to admit, treat, manage, and perform procedures. The term “privileging” refers to the process the hospital and...
Communication, cooperation, and collaboration are essential. Why are these three seemingly straightforward concepts—especially communication—so very difficult in many health systems?