Report: Physicians earned less in 2022

The average physician earned 2.4% less in compensation in 2022, according to Doximity’s latest Physician Compensation Report. This is after physicians reported a 3.8% increase in compensation in 2021.

The report, based on compensation data from more than 190,000 U.S. physicians over six years, found that the specialties with the highest average annual compensation were:

  • Neurosurgery  ($788,313)
  • Thoracic surgery ($706,775)
  • Orthopedic surgery ($624,043)


The specialties with the lowest average annual compensation were:

  • Pediatric endocrinology ($218,266)
  • Pediatric infectious disease ($221,126)
  • Pediatric rheumatology ($226, 186)


The report also found the gender pay gap persists, with female physicians earning nearly $110,000 (or 26%) less than their male counterparts. While still significant, it is an improvement from the 2021 data that showed a 28% gender pay gap. The specialty with the largest gender gap in average annual compensation was oral and maxillofacial surgery ($173,102) and the smallest gap was in nuclear medicine ($11,800).


Source: Doximity

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