MSPs nationwide will likely encounter more international medical graduates (IMG)-both foreign-born, U.S.-trained physicians and U.S. nationals who graduated from overseas medical schools-applying for privileges in their facilities.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 7
The Credentialing Resource Center 2013 MSP Salary Survey confirms what previous surveys showed: MSPs hold an increasing variety of titles and their scope of work is expanding. The survey was open to CRC members and Credentialing Resource Center Connection readers from mid-March to mid-April...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 6
When a practitioner comes to you with a request to acquire a new piece of equipment or try a technique that's never been performed at your facility before, how do you respond? If you answered that you would consult your policy on implementing new technology or techniques, you're...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 5
Imagine if you could access a physician's entire affiliation history-including letters of good standing and additional affiliation information-through a single database. The National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) felt it was high time such a database was developed,...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 4
A storm is coming and the meteorologists are predicting the worst. A natural disaster has occurred and there's a chance that your hospital-or one of the hospitals nearby-will be forced to evacuate. How well do you know your organization's procedures in the event of an emergency...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 3
How do you make the most of your resources while keeping within the limits of your annual budget? Although money may be tight, there are plenty of ways to be smart with the funding available to your medical staff services office. Credentialing Resource Center Journal caught up...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 2
Low- and no-volume practitioners present a unique set of challenges to MSPs and medical staff leaders, particularly when it comes to gathering sufficient data to assess competency and recommend membership and privileges.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 1
With the NPDB's Continuous Query reports, organizations get constant updates on practitioners, rather than the traditional process of querying the NPDB upon initial appointment and at reappointment.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 4
An increasing number of nonphysician practitioners are looking to expand their knowledge and skill sets to increase their scope of practice. However, many healthcare organizations lack the proper policies and strategies to assess the competency of these nonphysician...