While hospital quality departments have historically overseen the peer review process, today’s medical staff services teams are increasingly taking up the reins. Typically, this realignment reflects an effort to keep the medical staff—who is ultimately responsible for peer review performance and...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 3
Navigating the reappointment process, with its patchwork of expiration dates and verification expectations, can be difficult for ambulatory facilities, which often lack the dedicated credentialing presence of their acute care counterparts.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 2
Medical staff services and credentialing professionals do business with customers who want to be heard and who require expeditious action and follow-through. Professionals in our field have much to consider in their day-to-day work—regulatory compliance, adherence to medical staff bylaws,...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 25, Issue 12
Are you considering a change in your credentialing software or a move to an automated system? Modern medical staff services departments are increasingly turning to technologies that allow MSPs...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 25, Issue 10
Medical staff committees are among the vehicles driving delivery of quality patient care. Effective documentation of the issues discussed and decisions made by these committees provides a road map for the medical staff and administration to follow as they pursue the organization’s mission,...
The credentials committee chair reports directly to the medical executive committee (MEC) and the board of directors. Most often, reporting will be needed regarding applicants for medical staff appointment and staff members eligible for reappointment.
One of the most common situations that causes attribution difficulties is when care of a patient is handed off to multiple practitioners. Often, staff will list in the medical record the name of the physician who admitted the patient; however, throughout the patient's stay, the record is not...
In 2014, The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) predicted that in the next 10 years, one-third of all doctors currently practicing will retire, and there will be 90,000 fewer doctors than needed to serve the nation's aging population. The expanding role of midlevel extenders is an...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 17, Issue 15
Time is running out to take our MSP Salary Survey to be eligible for a drawing to win either of the following complimentary products (winner’s choice): Credentialing A to Z (book) or Negligent Credentialing: Best Practices to Prevent...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 17, Issue 13
Newly released! The rate of employed physicians in the United States is on the rise and shows no sign of slowing. Employed physicians are subject to medical staff processes as well as human resources/employment processes. This can lead to employed physicians slipping through the cracks or...