Why is something that used to be considered a routine job function of physicians now viewed as an add-on for which physicians must be compensated? The two biggest factors are decreasing revenues and increasing legal actions. If a physician is volunteering his or her time to proctor another...
Once upon a time, key medical staff leadership positions (officers, department chairs, credentials chair, peer review chair) were viewed as important voluntary positions to help the medical staff carry out its board designated responsibility to ensure the care provided primarily by individuals...
At the 2016 Credentialing Resource Center Symposium, when speakers Sally Pelletier, CPMSM, CPCS, and Carol Cairns, CPMSM, CPCS, told audience members that locum tenens do not need a medical staff category, there was a collective gasp in the crowd. It was evident...
The healthcare industry continues to face a present and future staffing shortage. As a result, many practitioners have decided to reenter the clinical field after an extended period of inactivity, i.e., a leave of absence (LOA). When it comes to practitioner LOA, there are a number of issues to...