Cultivate effective OPPE and FPPE processes

Strong data, efficient approaches, and interdisciplinary collaboration are cornerstones of successful OPPE and FPPE processes. Find out how to implement all three at the 2016 Credentialing Resource Center Symposium.

During OPPE and FPPE: Doing It Right and Making It Meaningful, Hugh Greeley; Carol S. Cairns, CPMSM, CPCS; Sally Pelletier, CPMSM, CPCS; and Todd Sagin, MD, JD, reveal how to tap the MSP’s knowledge to create robust OPPE and FPPE programs. Attendees will learn from case studies of failed attempts to perform OPPE and FPPE. They will also come away with strategies for harnessing talent in the quality department, the medical staff services department, and medical staff leadership to improve these processes.

In A Focus on OPPE, Hugh Greeley and Todd Sagin, MD, JD, discuss how to create an OPPE process that is relevant, useful, and practical. Attendees will learn to select triggers that they can use, assess, and track. They will also learn what to do with “zero data,” and how to collect competency data that’s not readily available. Finally, they will take a closer look at the transition from initial FPPE to OPPE to FPPE for cause.

To learn more about OPPE, FPPE, and an array of other essential medical staff topics, register for the 2016 Credentialing Resource Center Symposium, which kicks off April 7 in sunny Orlando, Florida.

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Peer Review, OPPE, and FPPE