Review your privilege forms

Your clinical privilege forms need to be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they reflect up-to-date criteria requirements and standards for the procedure or specialty in question. For example, a procedure that used to be considered a special, noncore privilege when you developed your forms could now be considered within the core of that specialty because the procedure is performed so often by the specialists. This is the type of thing you want to check for when reviewing your privilege forms.

Today’s free resource is a sample schedule to help you set up a review system for your privilege forms. In his book, Criteria-Based Core Privileging: A Guide to Implementation and Maintenance, author Todd Meyerhoefer, MD, MBA, COE, FACS, suggests medical staffs review their privilege forms every other year. “If you reappoint based on specialty on a schedule spread over 2 years, review your forms in the ‘off’ year so that any revisions can be worked out and approved by the board before that specialty is due for reappointment. For example, if you conduct reappointments for general surgery in March of odd-numbered years (2017), review the forms in March of even-numbered years (2018). A staggered reappointment schedule helps to more evenly distribute the workload for the MSSD.”

To download the sample form, click here.