Survey: Many PCPs recommend NP as a career

Primary care physicians (PCP) are more likely to recommend a career as a nurse practitioner (NP) than as a physician to qualified college students. In a sample of 505 PCPs, 66% said they would recommend a career as an NP, compared to just 56% who would recommend their own career, according to a recent survey published in Academic Medicine. Most nurse practitioners agreed: In a group of 467 NPs who were simultaneously surveyed, 88% would recommend their own careers, while 67% would recommend a career as a PCP.

The majority of both professions said they were very or somewhat satisfied with their careers (83% of PCPs and 88% of NPs). However, PCPs reported less satisfaction: Only 43% of PCPs are very satisfied, versus 73% of NPs. Of the PCPs who reported feeling less than very satisfied with their careers, only 37% would recommend it to a qualified college student and 63% would recommend a career as an NP, according to the report.

Source: Becker’s Hospital Review

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