A working relationship with law enforcement is key to the safety, efficacy, and well-being of everyone in the hospital: providers and patients. That said, hospitals and law enforcement have different goals. And while the two usually work well together, they can find themselves at odds.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 27, Issue 5
It has been a little over a year since the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC) officially launched its expedited licensure process in April 2017. The compact, which was initially developed by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), began to explore the idea of using an interstate...
The Credentialing Resource Center (CRC) is proud to present our membership community with nine noteworthy tools and forms that have been contributed by your peers in the trenches and evaluated by the accomplished experts on our...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 27, Issue 2
This case highlights how an entire organization (i.e., board, medical staff leadership, CEO, attorney) was unclear about the employment/contract route versus the medical staff privileging process. Whether it was lack of knowledge or purposeful, the outcome was not good as evidenced by the jury’s...
There is a declining trend in the number of family medicine (FM) physicians receiving obstetrics privileges nowadays. These providers were once responsible for the family in every aspect of its development—from a child’s conception to adulthood. Now they are more of a means to an end, a first...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 27, Issue 2
One of the biggest challenges facing hospital medical staffs today is obtaining sufficient information to accurately document practitioner competency. It is easy to confirm that a practitioner held a medical staff appointment at a healthcare facility and whether he or she was subject to any...