Ongoing professional practice evaluation (OPPE) is required for advanced practice professionals (APP) as well as physicians. Data is not as readily available for APPs, so the medical staff office has to be creative. Get your physicians involved. Ask them what indicators they consider valuable in...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 34, Issue 1
In Florida, a man sued a physician and hospital for negligent credentialing after his leg was amputated. The man’s right to the documents relating to the incident was under question. A trial court first granted the plaintiff the right to the documents, but a Florida appeals court overturned the...
In order to consider a change to core privileges, you should first examine the privilege delineation system currently in place at your organization. Most likely you will find many examples to bolster your case for a conversion to a criteria-based core privileging system.
Hospitals with well-defined leadership selection criteria that establish a physician’s eligibility to run for office are more likely to elect well-qualified, committed, and knowledgeable medical staff officers. It is hard to hit the target unless you aim for it.
Are you considering a change in your credentialing software or a move to an automated system? Modern medical staff services departments are increasingly turning to technologies that allow MSPs and other credentialing stakeholders across the organization to go paperless; house large volumes of...