Tips for managing application turnaround times
Application processing turnaround time is one of the most commonly reported metrics within a CVO. Timely credentialing is critical to the organization and its customers. The credentialing process almost always takes a longer amount of time to complete than originally anticipated. There is a high risk of unique circumstances developing that require additional inquiry and analysis. A CVO can initiate several strategies to manage turnaround times. A few examples include:
- Set a reasonable number of days for processing an application that includes data entry, primary source verification, and quality review. If it typically takes 45 days to process the application from the date an application is received to the date it is released to facilities, then 45 or fewer days should be the focus for achieving this metric. Review reports on a regular basis to monitor performance.
- Meet with the processing team on a weekly basis and ask them to report on any aging files, such as those approaching 35 days. Give the team advice on how to move the files out—while still avoiding any reckless shortcuts—and finding ways to acquire the remaining primary source verification or documents needed from the applicant.
- During weekly status meetings, identify opportunities to shorten overall processing times. Work with medical staff services to tweak or eliminate time-consuming practices that are not required or that do not add value.
Source: Centralized Credentialing: The Authoritative Guide to Efficient CVO Enactment and Operation