2019 CRC Symposium Case Study Competition Guidelines


The Credentialing Resource Center (CRC) is seeking a pioneering MSP, physician leader, or small team to present a compelling case study at the 2019 CRC Symposium, which will be held in February in Las Vegas, Nevada. By imparting their in-the-trenches experiences and lessons learned, the chosen presenter(s) will shed light on an issue, practice, or principle that affects stakeholders across the modern medical staff landscape.

Whether you’re a seasoned educator in search of a broader platform to share your expertise or a yet-to-present professional with big ideas, read on for the ultimate opportunity. Then, click here to apply.

Application Requirements and Selection Criteria

Any MSP or medical staff leader who is currently involved in credentialing, privileging, peer review, or another important medical staff function is welcome to submit a case study application. The 2019 CRC Contest Committee, in conjunction with the CRC administrative team, will select one case study for presentation at the 2019 CRC Symposium. Applicants must be MSPs or medical staff leaders, and no more than two speakers may present the chosen case study.

The winning proposal will showcase a creative solution that the presenter(s) have helped implement at their organization. This change can have occurred at any time, as long as it reflects current industry standards and continues to benefit the organization.

The winning presentation will elegantly address the following subjects:

  • A specific (and widely relatable) challenge or objective that sparked a meaningful change in a key medical staff function (e.g., credentialing, privileging, or peer review)
  • The steps that the involved parties took to conceive, develop, and implement their solution, including any hurdles they overcame along the way
  • The short- and long-term effects of the solution
  • The takeaways for the broader professional community

Potential case study subjects include the following:

  • Credentialing
  • Privileging
  • Ongoing and focused professional practice evaluation (OPPE and FPPE)
  • Telemedicine
  • Changes in organized medical staff governance structure
  • Going paperless in the medical staff services department/central credentialing department
  • Successful alignment and integration of credentialing activities (e.g., centralization, standardization across recruitment, hospital credentialing, enrollment, and onboarding)
  • Innovative approaches to addressing tricky regulations and accreditation standards

If you don’t see your hot topic listed here, don’t sweat it. Original ideas are welcome.

Speakers must be available to attend the 2019 CRC Symposium, which will be held February 26–28, 2019, at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. The winning case study will be roughly 45 minutes in length, including at least 10 minutes for audience questions. The selected presenter(s) will be expected to submit presentation materials (including a PowerPoint slide deck) at a later date.

Key considerations

Use the following questions to guide your responses on the 2019 CRC Symposium Case Study Competition Application and, by extension, help the 2019 CRC Contest Committee understand why your case study merits selection:

  • What specific challenge or objective inspired action?
  • What was the proposed solution, and what was the rationale for its implementation?
  • Who was involved in development and execution, and what role did each participant play?
  • What were the key steps in implementation?
  • What were the important effects of the solution?
  • Did the involved parties encounter any challenges in developing or implementing the solution? If so, how did they address those obstacles?
  • Has the nature and/or impact of the solution evolved over time? For example, have involved parties reworked their initial vision or approach? Has the number of participants increased?
  • What can the broader professional community take away from your experience? In other words, why should CRC Symposium attendees care about your journey?
  • Do you have supporting materials that demonstrate your workflow changes and successes? While ancillary materials aren’t a required application component, they tremendously improve the Contest Committee’s ability to understand the presentation merit of your proposed case study.

Embrace the spotlight

Don’t let public speaking jitters or inexperience hold you back from sharing your important work. Although we’ll consider previous speaking engagements during the application review process, the quality of the proposed case study and its central solution will play a far greater role in our selection.

The perks

Beyond the opportunity to bolster their professional portfolio, highlight their organization’s top-notch processes, and lead an important industry conversation, the chosen speaker(s) will receive free admission to the 2019 CRC Symposium.

Impressive case studies that aren’t selected for presentation at the symposium may receive coverage in one of HCPro’s popular medical staff and credentialing newsletters. (We’ll send out a specific request to the relevant applicant before using a proposed case study in any public capacity.)

Application Submission and Review Process

To access the case study application, click here, or paste the following URL into your internet browser’s address bar: https://app.keysurvey.com/f/1282771/149e/. We recommend that you paste your responses into the application fields from a Word document.

The 2019 CRC Contest Committee, who will review applications and select the winning case study, is composed of accomplished MSPs and medical staff leaders, including members of the 2019 CRC Symposium faculty. To promote a fair review process, CRC administrative staff will remove as much identifying information from applications as possible before sharing their contents with the Contest Committee.

Applicants will receive notice in November 2018 regarding whether their proposed presentation has been selected. Speakers are welcome to submit more than one case study idea but must fill out a separate form for each proposal.

For applicants interested in a team presentation, please limit the number of proposed speakers to two and select one group member to serve as the point of contact. This person will be responsible for completing the application, communicating with CRC administrative staff, and, if the relevant case study is chosen, coordinating the delivery of presentation materials.

We look forward to hearing from you! If you’d like more information or wish to discuss a speaking topic, please email CRC’s Editor Son Hoang at shoang@hcpro.com.

Click the link below to download a PDF of these guidelines.