Shortly after the Pulse nightclub shooting on June 12, 2016, Orlando Health hospital reported that some of the first people to contact them were representatives from foreign consulates. Due to its unique location and proximity to Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World it was highly...
“Peer-to-peer review helps hospitals to discuss their problems in a safe environment, when it isn’t a crisis. We should strive for a day when a hospitals voluntarily and routinely take part in these exercises.”
The Credentialing Resource Center (CRC) is proud to present our membership community with nine noteworthy tools and forms that have been contributed by your peers in the trenches and evaluated by the accomplished experts on our...
Last month, my column covered the evolution of peer review during the 20th century and some lessons learned from its successes and failures. To quickly summarize, the changes in medical staff structures and functions began to intertwine with a desire for better measurement of physician...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 27, Issue 2
This case highlights how an entire organization (i.e., board, medical staff leadership, CEO, attorney) was unclear about the employment/contract route versus the medical staff privileging process. Whether it was lack of knowledge or purposeful, the outcome was not good as evidenced by the jury’s...
In recent years, it has become common for patients to sue a hospital for negligent peer review when they bring a malpractice action against a physician. Their claim generally is that inadequate medical staff monitoring of an incompetent physician allowed a bad outcome in their care. These are...