Without a thorough credentialing process, medical staff leaders and MSPs may allow underqualified or undesirable practitioners to receive clinical privileges. Loss of licensure, significant malpractice activity, and poor clinical references are obvious targets of scrutiny. But what about the...
According to a 2016 report from the Association of American Medical Colleges, the United States could experience a shortage of 61,700–94,700 physicians by 2025. As the physician pool dwindles, and technology rapidly advances, more and more medical staffs will turn to telemedicine solutions to...
For legal and financial reasons, economic credentialing is a concern of the governing board, not of the medical staff. Antitrust laws preclude...Read More »
All hospitals should have policies regarding conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest policy goes a long way toward eliminating the possibility of undisclosed conflicts. This conflict of interest policy delineates the expectation of disclosure of conflict of interest and how to resolve the...