The credentials committee is perhaps one of the hardest working committees. Most physicians who agree to participate in a credentials committee do...Read More »
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is highlighting the need to reduce regulatory burdens in healthcare, the president of a physician...Read More »
Requests for leaves of absence have become more common in recent years, and it is important for medical staffs to have clear policies regarding...Read More »
The bedrock of the medical staff due process manual is a federal statute named the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA). As with...Read More »
A powerful tool for managing physician performance is the physician performance pyramid that was developed by the late Howard Kirz, MD, at the Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. Kirz for many years participated in teaching the “Managing Physician Performance in Organizations” course at the...
One of the most challenging problems faced by physician leaders is addressing the unprofessional behavior of a colleague. Why is it that the most...Read More »
Organizations need to be aware of whether their state requires specific disclosures (such as privacy agreements, the process for filing complaints, etc.) to be made in writing prior to a provider delivering patient care via telemedicine. Some organizations consider originating sites to be...
Each healthcare facility needs a disaster preparedness plan, which should include steps the facility will take in the event of a natural disaster or other event that temporarily overtaxes its resources. One element of such disaster plans is language ensuring that appropriate...