A practitioner practicing outside the scope of privileges indicates an immediate threat to patient health and safety as determined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other organizations. Therefore, it is important for everyone in your organization to know who has what...

What is the best way to deal with disruptive behavior? Conduct the initial intervention when medical staff leadership has decided to proceed beyond just providing routine feedback. If you feel that the physician will refute the accusations, come armed with data. If the physician...

It is imperative to discuss the implications of various findings from criminal background checks and other background investigations with legal counsel and medical staff leaders. A best practice would be to develop a policy and procedure to standardize follow-up actions concerning information...

Most medical staffs and healthcare organizations have found it challenging to find physicians willing and available to proctor colleagues. In hospital settings, many medical staffs overcome these barriers by making proctoring an obligation of staff membership. Usually, this is facilitated by a...
