Although sometimes used interchangeably, temporary, emergency, and disaster privileges are different. Let’s take a look at how and when to use...Read More »
Disaster privileges are implemented during disaster situations, such as the aftermath of a hurricane or a pandemic. However, accreditation standards vary regarding the use of disaster privileges. Use this grid to ensure you are complying with your accreditor(s)' standards.
Emergency privileges mean that any practitioner with clinical privileges is permitted to provide any type of patient care, treatment, and services that is intended to be lifesaving in nature or prevent serious harm (regardless of medical staff status or clinical privilege) as long as the patient...
Temporary privileges are often used to fulfill an important patient care need or when an applicant with a clean application is awaiting final approval by the govenring body. However, accreditation standards vary regarding the use of temporary privileges. Use this grid to ensure you are complying...
Your medical staff should have a policy that places the burden on the applicant to prove his or her clinical competence and provide all the...Read More »
A privilege dispute among practitioners can be overwhelming, to say the least. In these situations, it is up to medical staff leaders and medical...Read More »
Attending the 2020 CRC Sympoisum is sure to keep you busy, provide valuable education, and great networking opportunities, but make sure you leave...Read More »